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Cambridge Certificate - Preparation Course



Improve your English at an upper-intermediate level comprising all skills (listening, reading, speaking, writing, and language in use). The course prepares you for the official Cambridge Certificate exam held at the WIFI. This international certificate is recognised as an important qualification by employers, colleges, i.e. for business and study purposes. In addition, this course offers good practice for the "Zentralmatura".

Bildungs- und Lehraufgaben

Gaining an insight into the British culture and specific features of the English language

Preparation for the world of work (English as a lingua franca)


Didaktische Grundsätze

s. Lehrplan für Englisch und Anleitungen zu selbstständigem Spracherwerb

Bildungs- und Lehraufgaben, Lehrstoff

See Cambridge Certificate

Dieser Kurs ist nicht maturabel.

reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills

  • Lehrervortrag
  • verschiedene Sozialformen
  • Einzelarbeit
  • Partnerarbeit
  • Gruppenarbeit
  • Rollenspiel
  • Diskussion
  • angewandte Methoden
  • kreative Produktion
  • Arbeitsauftrag
  • Brainstorming
  • Mindmap
  • You will practise different skills and extend your range of vocabulary and grammar.

  • Mitarbeit
  • Test
  • Interest in improving your languge skills
  • good command of English at B1 level mandatory
  • Costs for coursebook (about € 45) OR costs for copies (to be negotiated) 
  • Costs for exam (about € 180). The exam is optional i.e. you can take it, but you do not have to!
OStRin Prof. Mag. Sieghild OBERWINKLER
Englisch Lehrende