Kurseingabe - Admin
New York, New York – Reflected in Literature, Films and Music



Reading novels, stories and articles, watching films or listening to music not only improves your language skills but also enhances your knowledge in various fields, more so if the topic dealt with focuses on a special microcosm like New York, both gruesome and magic at once.

This course will offer you some insight in the socio-cultural development of New York City reflected in selected works of literature across the centuries, in landmarks of film-industry (in parts) and representatives of various music genres, such as

  • Paul Auster’s New York Trilogy
  • TV series Friends
  • Alicia Keys “New York”
  • and, of course, others depending on students’ interests
Bildungs- und Lehraufgaben

siehe Lehrplan für Englisch

Didaktische Grundsätze

siehe Lehrplan für Englisch

Bildungs- und Lehraufgaben, Lehrstoff

siehe Reifeprüfung

Dieser Kurs ist maturabel (Englisch).

discussing novels, analysing film / Tv series, comparing and contrasting works of literature with films, language skills (speaking: discussions, reading/speaking/ listening: range of vocabulary and structure)

  • Gruppenarbeit
  • Peer Teaching
  • Rollenspiel
  • Besuch einer Kulturveranstaltung
  • Mitarbeit
  • Referat

interest in and good command of the English language; from year 6 onwards

OStRin Prof. Mag. Sieghild OBERWINKLER