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Im Rahmen des Englischunterrichts haben 18 SchülerInnen der 4.a Klasse gemeinsam ein Mittagessen, ganz im Stil des traditionellen US-Amerikanischen Feiertags “Thanksgiving”, gekocht und im Anschluss daran verkostet. Lesen Sie selbst was der Schüler Alexander Arzberger dazu für Sie verfasst hat.
On the 23rd of November Mrs. Kreiter and the 4a class celebrated a typical Thanksgiving lunch at the kitchen in our school.
The first Thanksgving dinner was celebrated in America in 1621. The newcomers from England made a dinner for the Native Americans because they had helped the people from Europe to survive.
Each year Thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th Thursday in November. At this time of the year people all over the world celebrate Thanksgiving. The typical dinner includes a Turkey and an Apple Pie.
Today we prepared our Thanksgiving lunch in the time between the second until the 5th lesson. We cooked it all together in the school kitchen. Mrs. Kreiter had prepared the ingredients and we just had to cook them. Everyone had a job to do, for example to cut the apples or to cook the potatoes. When we finished cooking at approx 11 o´ clock. We had made Turkey, Mashed potatoes, Beans, Corn, Sweet potatoes, dumplings, Apple- and Pumpkin Pie.
After cooking we ate the meal all together. It was very delicious. After having lunch we had to clean the kitchen and the dishes. In the end we got back to class on time to our last lesson at a quarter past twelve.
I liked the lunch really much and I leaned much about the history of Thanksgiving. Maybe we can do a Christmas dinner too.
Written by Alexander Arzberger, 4.a
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